Black is an animated short film produced by the independent production company So What. The film has been developed thanks to an international crowdfunding campaign and a public fund provided by Mibact (Italian ministry of culture) as it acknowledged “Black” as a film of national interest. Black tells the story of Matteo, a young electronic producer that realises that he can’t play music anymore because of a long blackout. While the city quickly adapts to the new situation, Matteo somehow manages to overcome his loneliness thanks to his neighbour Greta, a writer who makes him rediscover the pleasure of simple things. Black is a love story, but it is above all the story of our habits, of what can happen if the things we take for granted every day do vanish. That’s why a blackout may lead us to question what we do and who we are. It is only then that we feel we have to reinvent ourselves, to rediscover the simplest things in life, as love.