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We collaborate

with agencies, brands and people who want to create innovative eye-catching videos and animations.

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We work

daytime, we DANCE night-time.


We experiment

with all techniques, from analog to cutting edge technology.


We produce

original content, feature films, animation and live-action.

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We are

a Family

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From 2012, we produce live and animated films from A to Z in-house, from the script to the sound design, working together to bring out the best of each project.
We provide line production services for international film productions and brands.

For us every project needs a unique style and approach and we like to make it the best experience for us and the clients.


In 2019 our animation department was born, Robotina, who is in charge of the animated side of projects.

Since we were born we have relied on Inti d’Ayala Valva for sound design and mix. Inti works in our studio and has now become a royal member of the SoWhat’s family!


In 2023 we started a collaboration with the producer Rohit Khaitan encouraging Indian productions to shoot in Italy.

Lorenzo Giordano Lorenzo Giordano

Lorenzo Giordano

Director and Creative Producer

Ippolito Simion Ippolito Simion

Ippolito Simion


Yassmin Yaghmai Yassmin Yaghmai

Yassmin Yaghmai

Animation Director
and Illustrator

Sara Taigher Sara Taigher

Sara Taigher

Animation Director
and Motion Graphics Designer

Inti d’Ayala Valva Inti d’Ayala Valva

Inti d’Ayala Valva

Music Producer
Sound Designer
and Dubbing Director

Thea Ferraro Thea Ferraro

Thea Ferraro

Motion designer
and Editor

Fabio Algeri Fabio Algeri

Fabio Algeri

Junior Motion Designer

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The studio

Located in Torpignattara, the most vibrant and multicultural hood in Rome, our 170mq studio was a metal foundry that we converted into our working space.

The studio